

class torch.quantization.quantize_fx.prepare_fx(model, qconfig_dict, prepare_custom_config_dict=None, equalization_qconfig_dict=None, backend_config_dict=None)[source]

Prepare a model for post training static quantization

  • model (*) – torch.nn.Module model, must be in eval mode

  • qconfig_dict (*) –

    qconfig_dict is a dictionary with the following configurations:

    qconfig_dict = {
      # optional, global config
      "": qconfig?,
      # optional, used for module and function types
      # could also be split into module_types and function_types if we prefer
      "object_type": [
        (torch.nn.Conv2d, qconfig?),
        (torch.nn.functional.add, qconfig?),
      # optional, used for module names
      "module_name": [
        ("", qconfig?)
      # optional, matched in order, first match takes precedence
      "module_name_regex": [
        ("foo.*bar.*conv[0-9]+", qconfig?)
      # optional, used for matching object type invocations in a submodule by
      # order
      # TODO(future PR): potentially support multiple indices ('0,1') and/or
      #   ranges ('0:3').
      "module_name_object_type_order": [
        # fully_qualified_name, object_type, index, qconfig
        ("", torch.nn.functional.linear, 0, qconfig?),
      # priority (in increasing order):
      #   global, object_type, module_name_regex, module_name,
      #   module_name_object_type_order
      # qconfig == None means fusion and quantization should be skipped for anything
      # matching the rule

  • prepare_custom_config_dict (*) –

    customization configuration dictionary for quantization tool:

    prepare_custom_config_dict = {
      # optional: specify the path for standalone modules
      # These modules are symbolically traced and quantized as one unit
      "standalone_module_name": [
         # module_name, qconfig_dict, prepare_custom_config_dict
          None,  # qconfig_dict for the prepare function called in the submodule,
                 # None means use qconfig from parent qconfig_dict
          {"input_quantized_idxs": [], "output_quantized_idxs": []}),  # prepare_custom_config_dict
          {}  # backend_config_dict, TODO: point to README doc when it's ready
      "standalone_module_class": [
          # module_class, qconfig_dict, prepare_custom_config_dict
           None,  # qconfig_dict for the prepare function called in the submodule,
                  # None means use qconfig from parent qconfig_dict
          {"input_quantized_idxs": [0], "output_quantized_idxs": [0]},  # prepare_custom_config_dict
          {})  # backend_config_dict, TODO: point to README doc when it's ready
      # user will manually define the corresponding observed
      # module class which has a from_float class method that converts
      # float custom module to observed custom module
      # (only needed for static quantization)
      "float_to_observed_custom_module_class": {
         "static": {
             CustomModule: ObservedCustomModule
      # the qualified names for the submodule that are not symbolically traceable
      "non_traceable_module_name": [
      # the module classes that are not symbolically traceable
      # we'll also put dynamic/weight_only custom module here
      "non_traceable_module_class": [
      # Additional fuser_method mapping
      "additional_fuser_method_mapping": {
         (torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): fuse_conv_bn
      # Additioanl module mapping for qat
      "additional_qat_module_mapping": {
         torch.nn.intrinsic.ConvBn2d: torch.nn.qat.ConvBn2d
      # Additional fusion patterns
      "additional_fusion_pattern": {
         (torch.nn.BatchNorm2d, torch.nn.Conv2d): ConvReluFusionhandler
      # Additional quantization patterns
      "additional_quant_pattern": {
         torch.nn.Conv2d: ConvReluQuantizeHandler,
         (torch.nn.ReLU, torch.nn.Conv2d): ConvReluQuantizeHandler,
      # By default, inputs and outputs of the graph are assumed to be in
      # fp32. Providing `input_quantized_idxs` will set the inputs with the
      # corresponding indices to be quantized. Providing
      # `output_quantized_idxs` will set the outputs with the corresponding
      # indices to be quantized.
      "input_quantized_idxs": [0],
      "output_quantized_idxs": [0],
      # Attributes that are not used in forward function will
      # be removed when constructing GraphModule, this is a list of attributes
      # to preserve as an attribute of the GraphModule even when they are
      # not used in the code, these attributes will also persist through deepcopy
      "preserved_attributes": ["preserved_attr"],

  • equalization_qconfig_dict (*) – equalization_qconfig_dict is a dictionary with a similar structure as qconfig_dict except it will contain configurations specific to equalization techniques such as input-weight equalization.

  • backend_config_dict (*) – a dictionary that specifies how operators are quantized in a backend, this includes how the operaetors are observed, supported fusion patterns, how quantize/dequantize ops are inserted, supported dtypes etc. The structure of the dictionary is still WIP and will change in the future, please don’t use right now.


A GraphModule with observer (configured by qconfig_dict), ready for calibration


import torch
from import get_default_qconfig
from import prepare_fx

qconfig = get_default_qconfig('fbgemm')
def calibrate(model, data_loader):
    with torch.no_grad():
        for image, target in data_loader:

qconfig_dict = {"": qconfig}
prepared_model = prepare_fx(float_model, qconfig_dict)
# Run calibration
calibrate(prepared_model, sample_inference_data)


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